🌌Why you should subscribe to my Patreon🔮

If my site was like my firstborn (Boromir vibes, anyone??), then Patreon is like my secondborn child (Faramir the gentle, Faramir the wise ^^) 😄 however, I am not Denethor II, and I do not favour one over the other, mind you. I love both of my "children" very much so and in different ways.

The older one is like a teen rebel with strong ♊ and ♑ vibes, he is "out there", among the stars, doing what he likes and transmuting it into earthly magic, the younger one is much more grounded and calm, he uses his ancestral knowledge to bring it closer to people, so a lot of ♉ and ♐😊

On my site's blog, you can find the initial cap (very ♊ style) that will lead you down the esoteric rabbit hole of obscure knowledge. As a ♐ with big ♑ and ♊ placements myself, I was born for writing! I came here to write the whole universe into existence 😁 the first thing I learned in this life was how to use letters to form sentences because I had this unbelievable urge to write, I always felt like I had something important to say, however, speaking was never a better option for me, it was always listening, and in the silence of thought, that's where the Universe found space to flow out of me. I won writing competitions when I was just 6, and throughout my high school (for arts), I carried this massive journal with me because I always had to write, there was always something trying to burst out of me, only not in spoken words.

Other kids used to steal that journal during class breaks because they all wanted to know what happens next in the story, although the stories were quite personal and thus private, they couldn't help themselves. They fell in love with themselves through the lens of my stories, and today... well... here we are 😊

Many people (including my clients) asked me why I don't have a podcast or hold live webinars, or do whatever the rest of the current crowd is doing that gets them views and high numbers. The simple answer is: I channel the best when I'm writing. And that's that, that's the simple root cause, reason and truth why I don't do showman stuff and various "live" stunts that garner views, numbers and whatnot. I just write.

On my blog, I write about what 'comes through' first and I don't have much 'control' over what the Universe needs to be said, aka written. On Patreon, I write focused - I open 'the cosmic channel' and write about what's to come based on the positions of stars and planets. Patreon came to be as, sort of, a wish fulfilment for many of my readers and followers. Similar to how the site came to be, I needed to be talked into making it, and it took 3 to 4 years for me to finally "give in" and make it. But once I did, I was glad ^^

On Patreon I don't just write the Astro Weather for the upcoming month, but also Tarot readings, Runes and Bindrunes. I also share various insights (as the Universe commands), practices and 'spiritual stuff' that changes your life in small ways until you look back and see how far you've come.

I also write about my own experiences, revelations, realizations and things that make the fabric of reality seem like a carefully woven spiderweb by the intergalactic spiders 😮

I am sure that my Patreon will grow and evolve the same like my site did (and continues to do so), which is why I won't say anything about the turns it might take, but I will say that I will continue to share the deep insights and cosmic secrets through it, wherever the Road may take me and my feet.

At the moment, the Premium Tier Patreons receive personalized Tarot/Rune readings, as well as a personal Bindrune or a Planetary Sigil, all for $15/month. I created Patreon with the vision that by giving my all to the community and receiving a little bit of that energy in return, I'll be able to travel the places my heart is urging me to go and bring even more channelling, wisdom, life experience and spirituality into my community's lives.

As I said in the beginning, I love both of my created children equally, and they are both expressions and thus extensions of myself, a massive amount of love (and courage) went into makings of both of them, they're just built with a different focus 😄

The site is there to educate the world, and Patreon is there to help me translate the cosmic pathways and wisdom into human languages so that we can prosper and grow together 🥰

By becoming a part of my Patreon, you become a part of a great cosmic journey that is about to get even wilder and more awesome by the day 🌠

This is why I cordially invite you to become a part of the best adventure you're about to embark on in the long run (♑ style - with great patience, perseverance and faith come even greater rewards 🌟), welcome: https://www.patreon.com/ItanaDovahkul 🌌