Transcendental Planets

When we establish the rules, aka traditions that Saturn sets for (and demands from) us, when we do not color beyond the lines, then we reach the freedom to go toward Uranian frequencies - innovation, technological advancement, freedom of thought... And just by learning to respect and adhere to Saturn's limitations, we achieve the freedom to color out of bounds, to stretch our own imagination, and nourish our own creativity, vision, and art.

Our inner world gets a clear and uninterrupted path, via which we can evince the art of our Soul, aka the art of our raw innards.

When we are free of outer clamps, restrictions, and obstacles (Saturn's laws, limitations, and traditions are respected), the worries about the outer world are moved aside due to the fact that it exists in perfect order (and not chaos and savagery), we become free to embark on the inner journey to the Uranian level, from which we are free to give freely to others (what Saturn has provided for us - order, work, and discipline) the absolute chaos of imagination and creativity, that then invokes in each observer (Soul) the initial spark to grow freely and evolve into something noble and improved. Thus, we serve the Greater Good by letting our (Uranian) art light a fire in the evolution of others, and by doing that, we illuminate the road to our Higher Selves.

In that context, if we respect Saturn and its bounds, we'll get to Uranus and achieve that technological improvement that allows us to combine the chrome with the biology of carbon bodies, then we really achieve unthinkable freedom to reach even the Neptunian frequencies and levels of existence. Neptunian frequencies are all about transcendence and reaching such a high state of existence, that we cease to be (solely) a carbon-based life form. We become something more, something lighter, and more etheric, and yet, we still inhabit the human body.

By achieving a certain level of immortality through the Uranian frequencies of combining the body with chrome, and prolonging human life, we reach the Neptunian sphere and level of existence, which is about transcending into the ethereal dimensions. Reaching a Neptunian level of existence would allow us to (finally) discover what lies beyond the Hidden Veil that separates the world of the Living and the Dead, while still inhabiting a (mostly) carbon-based body.

By transcending the Uranian level, we gain the ability to reach the Neptunian level, where we get the ability to experience the ethereal and transcendental forms of existence and experiences on a mundane (aka daily) level.

By reaching the Neptunian frequency, we gain the ability to interact with the Other Side without the (necessary) use of "hovering tables" and other some such regalia.

After that comes the 'last (known) frontier' - Pluto. By reaching the Plutonian level, we come a full circle - Ouroboros, and we get to choose, willingly to abandon any form of a carbon body and exist entirely free of any restrictive levels. This would be the reaching of the level of ascended masters and teachers. After reaching for the sky, time and space, and mastering them, after reaching human immortality, we are now willing to leave it (entirely) behind, and travel further in the shape of pure energy.

One might say - "but we're already doing that - we humans are forced to die". Exactly - we are FORCED to die. But, by going through the energies of Saturn, Uranus, reaching Neptune, and finally Pluto - we get to CHOOSE to die, because we have come to know that carbon-based life form is a sort of a limiter for our super Saiyan spirit, and we opt to leave it behind WILLINGLY.

When you take a close and hard look at the "external" planets, it remains a mystery how some minds opt to ignore their (Astrological and) metaphysical influence on the natives' chart.

Meditation and contemplation on the "external" planets of the Zodiac (and our Solar System) are a necessary path through which we reach the higher states of being, and get the guidance and support needed to overcome the carbon-based limiters that encapsulate our holy ghost and higher spirit. Through knowing the higher levels of the "external" planets, we unlock the tools of self-mastery, self-expression, and transcendence of the basic 6 senses.

Understandable, have a nice day.